Blade and soul 2
Blade and soul 2

blade and soul 2

Weapon Evolution Screen Breakthrough/Evolution From here, you can use the upgrade materials you have gathered to upgrade your weapon to the next stage. Open the Manage Equipment window either by clicking the "Manage Equipment" icon at the bottom of the Inventory screen, or by Left-clicking the weapon icon and selecting the Manage Equipment Icon. Left-click on the icon to open the Manage Equipment icon Congratulations! You have now reached the beginning of the game that involves playing with other players. This is done by gathering the required upgrade materials. However, you are required to level up your weapon as you progress. From here on, you will keep this weapon all through your progress in the game as there is no better weapon. You will receive your main weapon when you reach the raid questline (Orange Quests) named Temple of Succession.

Blade and soul 2